How I designed an MVP feature that helped land a 50K+ deal with a Fortune 500 company within 2 weeks of launch

UX/UI Design for Budget Planner Finance App

This case study domonstrates

This case study domonstrates

Taking a project from business request to launch, Leveraging OOUX framework, Utilizing AI in workflow



Lead Designer

Problem Statement

Losing deals because of a lack of schedule feature

Imagine you are the sales manager for your growing InfoSec startup. You've been increasingly frustrated by your inability to win deals due to your lack of an engagement scheduling feature. To stay competitive, you prioritize developing an intuitive scheduling tool that allows customers to effortlessly coordinate security assessments through a centralized hub. Adding this function would improve sales, retain customers, and increase NPS.

Users & Audience

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)

The primary target audience for this project was Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). The project focused on three personas: Mandy the Manager, Pete the Pentester, and Clint the Client, each with a different emphasis on different parts of the flow.

Personas referenced for target audience

Roles & Responsibilities

Design lead

A team of four of our top developers and architects led by a seasoned product manager. I was the design lead, taking on the designs from research through implementation and launch. 

Scope & Constraints

Very short design runway, quick-to-implement designs

This project was a high priority because the lack of a scheduling feature was causing deal loss and customer churn.


  • Clint the Client can input the services they would like in a freeform input

  • Mandy the Manager can filter the calendar view

  • Mandy the Manager can assign a pentester to the engagement

  • Upon request approval, a new report form is opened and prefilled with known data for Mandy the Manager.


  • Short four week design runway

  • Utilize existing design system components whenever possible

  • Ensure the design complies with accessibility standards

  • Engineers could code the design within eight weeks


User research, Lean UX, OOUX, wireframes, iterations, hi-fi design hand-offs

As the lead designer for a project with a tight deadline, the Product Manager and I understood the importance of careful planning. We couldn't afford to miss any crucial details and risk making significant changes later on. Therefore, we needed to ensure that the minimum viable product (MVP) was well-defined and solid before working on any design elements.


To start the project, I conducted user research to understand better the problem we were trying to solve and for whom. The research involved listening to customer calls, interviewing an AI bot (more about that below), and consulting with subject matter experts within the company.

To get to know our competitors' offerings, I audited those with similar features and determined the required features to compete.  

Leveraging AI for Research

At PlexTrac, our primary users are time-constrained, high-level professionals. Despite our best efforts, it can be challenging to secure their valuable input on design decisions.

To supplement the limited user feedback, I created an AI assistant in By training the bot on our detailed user personas, I was able to conduct virtual interviews and gain additional data points to help validate the design direction.


I presented my research findings during a Lean UX session. Lean UX is a framework that enables us to gather and brainstorm with relevant stakeholders on a particular feature. The goal is to ensure that everyone understands the problem clearly and agrees on the general direction of the feature that will address it.

OOUX map for scheduler project

User Flows & OOUX Activity

After receiving the Lean UX outcomes, I created user flows to illustrate the entire process, identify required screens, and document edge cases. I then conducted an Object-oriented UX activity to map the interdependence between different feature components. The OOUX mapping helped developers understand the relationship between various pieces of data, aided in the creation of a more efficient database structure, and assisted in my understanding of the the screens that were needed to complete the feature.

Wireframes & Hi-fi

Using the OOUX map and user flows, I created wireframes—with the help of AI—to iterate quickly and get customer validation, developer consent, and leadership sign-off.

After creating the wireframes, I converted them into high-fidelity designs. Given the short time frame, it was crucial to ensure a smooth handoff process to avoid the developers misinterpreting the design.

Wireframes used for customer validation and leadership buy-in

Outcomes & Lessons Learned

Close of a 50k+ contract with a Fortune 500 company

After 8 weeks of hard work and tight collaboration with a stellar engineer team, we deployed the project on time.


Within two weeks of deployment it was fundemental in assisting with the close of a 50k+ contract with a Fortune 500 company.

The sales engineers provided feedback that the feature is "highly demoable" and customer response is largely positive.

Lessons Learned

This project significantly enhanced my appreciation for the LeanUX and OOUX frameworks. These methodologies were instrumental in helping us pinpoint the minimum viable features and comprehend the interactions between different data objects, both in the database and within the UI. Without LeanUX and OOUX, it would have been much more challenging to achieve such clarity and efficiency in our design process.

In addition, this was the first large project where I leveraged AI for research. And, while I would not rely entirely on the AI's responses, the insights gathered proved invaluable. The bot's unique perspective, combined with our other user research, allowed me to make more informed, user-centric design choices.

After 8 weeks of hard work and tight collaboration with a stellar engineer team, we deployed the project on time.


Within two weeks of deployment it was fundemental in assisting with the close of a 50k+ contract with a Fortune 500 company.

The sales engineers provided feedback that the feature is "highly demoable" and customer response is largely positive.

Lessons Learned

This project significantly enhanced my appreciation for the LeanUX and OOUX frameworks. These methodologies were instrumental in helping us pinpoint the minimum viable features and comprehend the interactions between different data objects, both in the database and within the UI. Without LeanUX and OOUX, it would have been much more challenging to achieve such clarity and efficiency in our design process.

In addition, this was the first large project where I leveraged AI for research. And, while I would not rely entirely on the AI's responses, the insights gathered proved invaluable. The bot's unique perspective, combined with our other user research, allowed me to make more informed, user-centric design choices.

After 8 weeks of hard work and tight collaboration with a stellar engineer team, we deployed the project on time.


Within two weeks of deployment it was fundemental in assisting with the close of a 50k+ contract with a Fortune 500 company.

The sales engineers provided feedback that the feature is "highly demoable" and customer response is largely positive.

Lessons Learned

This project significantly enhanced my appreciation for the LeanUX and OOUX frameworks. These methodologies were instrumental in helping us pinpoint the minimum viable features and comprehend the interactions between different data objects, both in the database and within the UI. Without LeanUX and OOUX, it would have been much more challenging to achieve such clarity and efficiency in our design process.

In addition, this was the first large project where I leveraged AI for research. And, while I would not rely entirely on the AI's responses, the insights gathered proved invaluable. The bot's unique perspective, combined with our other user research, allowed me to make more informed, user-centric design choices.

After 8 weeks of hard work and tight collaboration with a stellar engineer team, we deployed the project on time.


Within two weeks of deployment it was fundemental in assisting with the close of a 50k+ contract with a Fortune 500 company.

The sales engineers provided feedback that the feature is "highly demoable" and customer response is largely positive.

Lessons Learned

This project significantly enhanced my appreciation for the LeanUX and OOUX frameworks. These methodologies were instrumental in helping us pinpoint the minimum viable features and comprehend the interactions between different data objects, both in the database and within the UI. Without LeanUX and OOUX, it would have been much more challenging to achieve such clarity and efficiency in our design process.

In addition, this was the first large project where I leveraged AI for research. And, while I would not rely entirely on the AI's responses, the insights gathered proved invaluable. The bot's unique perspective, combined with our other user research, allowed me to make more informed, user-centric design choices.

Select screens from the high-fidelity designs

Final thoughts

This project was a game-changer for our business. It demonstrated the power of moving with urgency to solve a mission-critical customer pain point. The quick turnaround and stellar results have strengthened my conviction that design-driven innovation is the key to staying ahead in our hyper-competitive market.